# Helm Chart Repository `dumrauf` Welcome to the [Helm](https://github.com/helm/helm) [chart repository](https://docs.helm.sh/developing_charts/#the-chart-repository-guide) `dumrauf`. See below for instructions on how to add or remove this chart repository using `helm`. If you're the owner of this Helm chart repository, then please refer to the "Managing the Repository" section below. # Using the Repository This section describes the use of the repository `dumrauf`. It describes how to add, search, and eventually remove the repository via `helm`. ## Adding the Repository This chart repository can be [added to `helm`](https://docs.helm.sh/helm/#helm-repo-add) via ``` helm repo add dumrauf 'https://dumrauf-helm-chart-repo.s3.amazonaws.com' helm repo update ``` Here, the latter command is required in order to [get the (latest) information](https://docs.helm.sh/helm/#helm-repo-update) about charts from the repository `dumrauf`. ## Searching the Repository All charts in the repository can be [listed](https://docs.helm.sh/helm/#helm-search) via ``` helm search dumrauf ``` ## Removing the Repository This chart repository can be [removed from `helm`](https://docs.helm.sh/helm/#helm-repo-remove) via ``` helm repo remove dumrauf ``` # Managing the Repository This section outlines steps for managing Helm chart repository `dumrauf`. It describes how to upload Helm charts and eventually delete them again. ## Uploading Helm Charts The Helm charts can be uploaded to S3 bucket `dumrauf-helm-chart-repo` via ``` aws s3 sync
s3://dumrauf-helm-chart-repo ``` Assuming the packaged Helm charts are located in `../packaged-helm-charts/`, then they can be uploaded via ``` aws s3 sync ../packaged-helm-charts/ s3://dumrauf-helm-chart-repo ``` ## Deleting All Helm Charts The Helm charts can be deleted from S3 bucket `dumrauf-helm-chart-repo` via ``` aws s3 rm s3://dumrauf-helm-chart-repo --recursive --exclude index.html ``` Note that due to versioning, [additional steps](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/delete-or-empty-bucket.html#empty-bucket) may be necessary. # About The Helm chart repository `dumrauf` and this documentation was created using [https://github.com/dumrauf/s3-helm-chart-repo-with-docs](https://github.com/dumrauf/s3-helm-chart-repo-with-docs) as introduced in article [Build Your Own Helm Chart Repository in S3 — With Auto-Generated User Documentation!](https://www.how-hard-can-it.be/helm-chart-repository-in-s3-with-auto-generated-user-docs/?utm_source=S3HelmChartRepositoryWithDocs&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=Homepage) on [How Hard Can It Be?!](https://www.how-hard-can-it.be/?utm_source=S3HelmChartRepositoryWithDocs&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=Homepage). Create your own Helm chart repository with auto-generated documentation and start serving Helm charts in a matter of seconds!